Who Are CPED-Influenced Program Graduates?

Institutions affiliated with CPED have redesigned their programs to meet the needs of scholarly practitioners. Read what graduates have to say about their decision to pursue an EdD, their experiences in their programs, and their future aspirations.
If you would like to be considered as a featured graduate, please submit your request here.
The Teachers
CPED graduates are teachers who improve the lives of their students, the culture of their schools, and the development of their profession. Our graduates are teachers who enact CPED’s principles by:
- seeing possibilities - teaching in equitable, socially just, and, ethical ways that make a difference in the lives of their students, their families, and beyond;
- building a collaborative culture between their classrooms, students’ homes, and the broader community;
- solving problems of practice with their teaching experience and what they learn;
- crafting educational policies and strengthening reform efforts.
See Profiles of The Teachers
The Innovators
CPED graduates are innovators who create and implement new ideas within and beyond their own contexts. Our graduates are innovators who enact CPED’s principles by:
- creating ways new ways to think and enact equity, ethics and social justice;
- revising and updating their work – continuously improving;
- developing new, innovative lines of inquiry and ways to share what is found;
- expanding ideas in new horizons;
- crafting innovative practices and policies.
See Profiles of The Innovators
The Leaders
CPED graduates are leaders who work to ensure the success of everyone within and beyond their reach. Our graduates are leaders who enact CPED’s principles by:
- building an inclusive vision and culture;
- striving for equity and educational opportunities for all;
- leading by example;
- acting ethically and according to professional standards;
- using inquiry and data to make improvements
- continuously reinventing a collaborative leadership style.
See Profiles of The Leaders
The Change Agents
CPED graduates are agents of change who persistently work to make things better. Our graduates are change agents who enact CPED’s principles by:
- asking tough questions and developing solutions with others;
- being well read on the change process and new ideas;
- developing strong relationships built on trust and mutual respect;
- allowing others to thrive as their own agents of change;
- displaying patience and persistence in the face of adversity.
See Profiles of The Change Agents
The Disruptors
CPED graduates are disruptors who challenge the status quo. Our graduates are disruptors who enact CPED’s principles by:
- envisioning new and different ways of being, doing, and acting;
- causing disorder or turmoil when inequities or injustices are found;
- breaking unproductive bonds and forming more productive relationships;
- changing ideas and behaviors that are not productive or just;
- displacing old ideas with new productive ones.
See Profiles of The Disruptors
The Collaborators
CPED graduates are collaborators who make everyone they are working with feel valued and included. Our graduates are collaborators who enact CPED’s principles by:
- asking questions and remaining open to new ideas;
- working toward a team focused vision;
- listening intently;
- being generous, sharing responsibilities and accolades;
- diplomatically building relationships – tearing down walls.
See Profiles of The Collaborators